Monday, August 12, 2013

The new direction.

So I'm going to be taking this thing to the next level. Instead of making it a Sci-Fi Mall like I originally planned , using lots of Metals and lights in the design ( like so many others do) I'm going to be going for something more elegant. I want to create a mall out of black Marble , Metal and Stone work. Many of the designs are going to carry over , but the texture work will be different. Focusing more on a Luxurious feeling than a space ship feeling. While still maintaining the Sci-Fi goals I set before. Hopefully this will blend well and make things look cool in the end. Here are some more screenshots of the textures I'm making for things like the floor and stairs.

Progress for the beginning of the month.

So I worked on this project a little bit more over the past few days. For short bursts/long bursts of time all spread out. I spent most of my time trying to approach the problem of creating an interesting staircase for my mall. I Made texture changes and am aiming for a new look. This project is far from done and it's  been a great learning experience so far. Here are the screenshots I made in that time.